Founder & Writer

  • Founded the news analysis site and the education-content hub IdeaSifters.Academy.
  • Created novel approaches to news analysis: IdeaSifts™, Not-wild Ideas™, and Thought Adrenaline™.
  • Aligned crossover with other content formats — those of short fiction, poetry, satire, and humor pieces — under one banner and aesthetic.
  • Code via CSS, HTML5 and WordPress.

Consultant & Writer

  • Authored a review for the entirety of the AP Language & Composition textbook The Language of Composition (2nd Ed.); detailed proposals for revisions and suggested new excerpts and texts.
  • Authored student-friendly, narrative answer keys for question sets within the textbook 50 Essays (High-school, 5th Ed.).

Founder, Programmer & Writer

  • Founded the free college-entrance test preparation website Kill the Test, reforming as Limitless Test Prep.
  • Created all content.
  • Augmented questions with in-depth answer explanations for each.
  • Designed interactive lesson pages.
  • Coded front-end/back-end software and education interface with features that mimic those available to students with paper, pen and tutor:
    • live answer-choice elimination
    • “How am I doing?” tutor-style check-ins and feedback
    • custom hints for each question
  • Code via JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5 and CSS.